Following our adjustment to the Kids Kart weights, we received numerous requests to re-evaluate the decision to lower the minimum weight.
The decision to lower the weight on the Junior class was made to try and reduce the amount of ballast competitors had to run to meet the minimum weight.
Nobody likes lifting a kart with 40+ pounds of lead bolted on, and we hoped to save on a few peoples backs. Also, the less lead going around the track minimizes the chances of a piece of lead coming off the kart and potentially harming a driver
Based on the opinions of the majority of the responses we got, we have decided to reverse this decision and revert to the 320 lbs. weight from the past few seasons. The 310 weight put too many drivers at a potential disadvantage in 2020.
Our mission to keep the track safer from loose ballast is still a major priority in 2020. This means our pre-tech officials will be giving extra scrutiny to the installation and security of every drivers ballast throughout the season. We ask that all of our competitors review the minimum weight mounting guidelines in the upcoming 2020 rulebook to ensure they are compliant and as safe as possible.