Update on GN3 Prizes

We’d like to apologize, as we have made an error in our prize total calculations.

After reviewing our credit card bills this week, we may have overshot a little bit. Adding up all the awards, giveaways and prizes for Grand Nationals 3, we have now exceeded:

And we haven’t counted all the cheese balls yet!

We couldn’t call this the largest four-cycle race in North America with out having the biggest prize pool too!

We didn’t do this alone. We have great sponsors that have stepped up to help us make this happen. In fact, many of our sponsors reached back out to us over the past 30 days to offer more support than they had originally pledged at the start of 2019! It is the support of these sponsors that really make CKNA what it has become.

So while you are walking around the pits next weekend, please take a second to thank every sponsor you cross paths with and thank them for helping us make CKNA the biggest four-cycle organization in the country!


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