Divisional Awards Ceremonies

We’ve always acknowledged our Divisional podium finishers at Grand Nationals each year, and this year is no different. But now that CKNA encompasses 4 divisions, we’ve had to split it into two nights! CKNA awards the top 3 in each class trophies AND prizes. We also added 4th & 5th place for any classes that averaged over 15 entries! Below are lists for who from each Division will receive an award, as well as which night your awards ceremony will be. We’re going to try and hustle through the awards this year, so we will not be serving a meal. We figured you had a busy weekend still ahead! But, NCMP’s cafe is open for food and drinks if you

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Class caps announced for the Grand Nationals

Due to the overwhelming number of entries with two weeks still to go, the decision has been made to implement class caps for the first time in CKNA history at this years Grand Nationals. As much as we have tried to avoid it all these years, we feel the best thing to do at this point is to enforce a cap on entries in each class to ensure that the racers attending Grand Nationals 7 get the best experience possible. That is our top priority!  Here are the details: GN7 Class Caps: Classes will be capped at 58 entries (48 for Sportsman and Cadet) The first 4 classes to exceed the cap will be expanded and run the A/B/C/D format,

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GN7 Track Layout Confirmed

Here is the announcement that so many of you have been asking for, the OFFICIAL track layout for Grand Nationals 7! Yes, we have made the decision to race NCMP’s “Track 43” again this year. We know this is not the most creative decision we have ever made, but the racing was so good last year that we felt it was the best option for this years edition of the Grand Nationals. The track map is available for download by clicking on this picture, or at the GN7 info page!

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Important rules updates leading up to Grand Nationals 7

Grand National 7 will arguably be the largest 4-cycle race in many years. To ensure the most equal playing field possible, CKNA has decided to roll out two rule changes that had been planned for the 2024 season ahead of this momentous event! Walbro carburetors: When it was first born, Walbro was the carburetor provider for all 206 engines. Some time around 2018, Briggs & Stratton changed the included carb to one that was manufactured by them. The decision was made to allow the older Walbro pieces in the rulebook. This was done so not to force competitors to have to buy and replace a carburetor they had just recently gotten with an engine package. Fast forward to 2023, and

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The Grand Nationals 7 Page is up!

Its Time! With Grand Nationals 7 about six weeks away… we know you are all chomping at the bit to get registered and have all the information about the race. Your wait is almost over! We have relaunched the Grand Nationals page on the website, and updated the information for 2023. This includes the class structure, intended event format and pricing. We are in the final testing of the registration system, and will officially open registration by Tuesday the 22nd. When registering, please make sure to pick the size t-shirt you would like! Although fees for Grands did go up a little bit this year, we will be offering an Early Bird discount to anybody that registered for a CKNA

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Rulebook v23.1 has been released!

As many of you know, in an effort to provide the best experience possible, we occasionally make mid-season revisions to our rule book. We felt it time once again to revise some things and have published rev23.1 of the CKNA Rules. We encourage all of our racers to download the latest rules, and keep a copy in their toolboxes. Here are just some of the things that have been updated/changed: A detailed explanation of tram line enforcement, including diagrams to make sure there is no more confusion. Revised policies on what it means to complete a pass as well as leaving “room to race” for your fellow competitors. A much more robust explanation of what is permitted when defending a

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OVRP info and updates!

Some general updates regarding this weekends event at OVRP We have FINALLY uploaded the schedule and supp rules to the CupKarts website. Click here to download them from the OVRP Event page. On the schedule, you will see that we are not able to begin on track activities until 10am each day because of local restrictions. Thankfully, the new Hybrid format for 2023 we demoed a few times last year allows us to still get in very similar amount of track time! For those of you that didn’t attend an event that used the new format in 2022, here’s the rundown: Saturday is still the same Qualifying, 2 Heats and Feature for mat we have used for years. On Sunday, 

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Camshaft Rules implemented for Spring Nationals

CKNA moves to ensure that the level playing field continues: We have just released the supplemental rules and full timeline for the 2023 edition of the Spring Nationals at Charlotte Motor Speedway.You can download these either from the Spring Nationals Event page, or by clicking on the event on our online schedule. In the supplemental rules, you will find a passage regarding a new “Camshaft Intake Lobe Centerline” requirement that we will begin enforcing at Spring Nationals. As many of you may already know, social media blew up a few months ago regarding claims that some competitors and “engine tuners” had discovered a way to “twist” the camshaft inside the engines without breaking the seals. Although we have stayed silent

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Spring Nats Registration is OPEN!

4-cycle’s 2nd biggest race of the year! Early Bird Special: Register by Feb. 6th and save $25! To register for the race, please head over to our RaceSelect registration system. You will also be given the option to pay for Friday practice, reserved parking, tires, and rental transponders. All of these are optional, but prepaying guarantees that what you need will be waiting for you at the track. Spring Nats Info Page This race will also be the first points race for the all new Cup Karts North East Divisional Series. We can’t begin to tell you how excited we are to bring our brand of karting to a region of the country that has been hungry for a competitive

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CKNA Launches it’s North East Divisional Series

Starting as a small series of three races in Wisconsin back in 2014, Cup Karts North America has now become the largest 4-cycle sprint karting organization in North America. This past season saw the addition of the very successful Cup Karts Canada Series, increasing the total number of events to 12 in as many as eleven different states/provinces in 2022. We try to make CKNA bigger AND better each year. Through rule changes, staffing, class structure and the tracks at which we hold races; we are always striving to one up ourselves and provide the best competitive and family-friendly events that our customers deserve. Based on the success of our 2022 campaign, we knew we had to step up our

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