For some Racer’s, their kart numbers are very important. Maybe it’s your birthday, maybe it was your dads number, or maybe you made the mistake of having it tattooed on your shoulder after your first big win!
No matter the reason, if you want to guarantee yourself that your favorite number is always waiting for you when you register, your in the right place.


With the continued expansion of CKNA, it has become more difficult to manage reserved numbers, so we have decided to simplify the number reservation policies. For 2022 and moving forward, reserving a number locks it down for all CKNA races, regardless of Division. Other racers will not be allowed to use your number whether you attend a race or not.

Cost to reserve a number at all CKNA events in the 2022 season is $65

Racers who had a reserved number last year will have through January 22nd to re-reserve their numbers from 2021. On January 23rd, all unreserved numbers will be available first come-first served.

Please note, correct kart numbers are now going to be a pre-tech item, meaning that you will not pass pre-tech unless you have the correct number on all 4 sides of your kart with legal numbers.

As we we’re unfortunately not able to get this going before registration opened for the Monticello race, if a racer has already registered for the race they will be permitted to use the number for that weekend only. The reserved numbers will go into full effect for Spring Nationals.